The Bio Design Lab is a hybrid and evolutive environment that exists in both the digital and physical space. Conceived as a platform for connection and collaboration with local partners and using local resources, the Lab hosts the presentation, education and transmission of knowledge.
Projects within the Lab focus on the local region, its materials and possibilities, and actively aim to reshuffle and rethink modes of production in Karlsruhe and the south of Germany.
The Lab works as an incubator and a model for collaboration and production that is in line with the current transformation of the Karlsruhe University of the Arts and Design Karlsruhe. It was first presented to the public in the context of Critical Zones, an exhibition at ZKM | Center for Art and Media.
Gradually, the collected souvenirs blend into the interior of the studio, creating a dialogue between inside and outside. Raw materials become tame while take on domestic functions, while everyday tools and objects suddenly appear vibrant and wild.
silver/bronze/brass, galvanized steel
355mm x 11mm x 8mm
in collaboration with Jannis Zell
and Martin Zell
We start to clip the thorns from one of the cut branches of a rose bush. Like a hunter presenting the antlers of the most magnificent shot deer, we attach a selection of thorns to the wall.
A flint with a natural hole is called a chicken god. They were used as amulets to banish evil spirits - especially to protect fowl.
In Russia, there is an old folk belief that flint purifies water due to its chemical nature, making it useful or even healing for plants.
PLA filament with 40% wood content
300mm x 250mm x 200mm
in collaboration with Jannis Zell
and a shape generating software
The Leiboom Bowl is a 3D printed, computer generated fruit bowl. It is formed by support structures - essential byproducts of the conventional 3D printing process that stabilize overhangs during printing. We had a software grow these bionic structures, which clearly mimic the shape-optimized growth behavior of trees and bones, around 3D-scanned fruit. Normally discarded after printing, here the support structures become the main protagonist.
The seating furniture is inspired by mailboxes in maastricht, which are part of the stone facade of most houses. »JA-NEE« is part of FAN No.6 Stoooooooooool.
The »Babylonbowl« is a computergenerated ceramic sculpture.
It is formed by supporting structures - essential by-products of the conventional 3D printing process - which emancipate themselves from their original purpose to become the main protagonist.
Part of the exhibition FAN No.2 Residence
powder coated/hot-dip galvanized/anodized
80 x 60cm / 50 x 30cm
Norman is a hybrid of universally approved technologies based on standardised production methods and materials. As part of the domestic infrastructure, Norman illuminates favourite places and raises the power supply to eye level thanks to jacks integrated into the end of the tube. Although Norman can be hung and repositioned as quickly as a picture frame, the lamp becomes a constant in the living space and blends in with the architecture as the new normal.
hot-dip galvanised steel, pine wood
145 x 75 x 60cm
„Was mich am meisten beschäftigt und was mich zum Stahl mit all meinen Neigungen hinzieht, ist die Tatsache: Der Stahl ist wegnehmbar. Dem Stahl fehlt der freche Anspruch auf Dauerhaftigkeit auch dessen, was nicht von Dauer sein sollte; und das macht mich zum Liebhaber des Stahls.“ – Egon Eiermann
Part of the exhibition FAN No.2 Residence
spruce covered with ornaments made by woodworm holes 2000 mm x 1000 mm x 1000 mm
The form of the first object is inspired by original construction methods.
The used logs are covered with amorphous woodworm holes. Through displaying the decomposition process of the wood, Hi-Place captures a temporary, transient moment and thus refers to the process of growing and decaying in nature. Through the woodworm, nature becomes a cooperating designer of the object and makes it a highly valuable one-off due to its unique ornamentation. Hi-Place can be climbed, which enables a change of perspective that inspires to new visions. The first object in the series is located in times of High Places and Monoliths. Humanity begins to emancipate itself from nature through cultural actions.
galvanized steel, colored MDF 3000 mm x 800 mm x 800 mm
The appearance of the second object is precise and orderly.
All materials used in Hi-Rise are anthropogenic, giving the designer full control over the draft and its realization. The product becomes calculable and can be replicated at will. We are in the age of industrialization, in which the serial copy -the mass production- becomes standard. Humanity is no longer limited by the vagaries of nature. Instead, a dependence on economic growth, technical achievements and infrastructure is evolving.
The amorphous, translucent, slightly shimmering shell of the third object moves at the edge of the physical. Hovering above the heads of the beholders only the immaterial light that radiates Hi-Light touches the ground. Even during the manufacturing process, the designer hardly comes into physical contact with the object. The amorphous form of Hi-Light was created with the help of a generative software, which significantly minimizes the designers influence on the design. The fact that the form optimization tool of the "artificial intelligence" makes use of nature's formal language speaks for itself.
Hi-Light is inspired by rockets, the towers that take off from earth's surface. The earth is almost completely explored. The resources are exhausted and we start focusing on an alternative planet. Transfer processes of digitalization and the resulting dematerialization are changing our business and private lives. In a time of automation, products can be optimized according to individual demands. In order to be able to compete with the efficiency that we expect from our products as human beings, we are merging more and more with the machines that upgrade our capabilities.
750 x 700 x 680mm
with Anne-Sophie Oberkrome
A simple intervention of scaling transforms a common chair into an advanced furniture that meets the needs we have nowadays and bridges work and leisure.
Dune is a family of archaic seating furniture out of solid wood.
The sand blasting technique acts as an imitated force of nature,
which removes the soft early wood and reveals so the annual rings of the tree.
The dynamic structure, arised as a result of the interplay of light and shadow,
makes the nature and the individual story of the wood visible and tangible.
Buoy is an accu-based torch, a 180° allrounder, an intuitive Lamp that accompanies you in and around the house.
Buoy inherited its rotary function from emergancy lamps in seafaring and transports this function into everyday life. From a 55° inclination angle on, the lamp gives light.
Always available Buoy can be used flexibly and fits itself into situations that deserve to be highlighted.
Franklin is a newly opend museum café, on the area of the former Benjamin Franklin Barracks in Mannheim.
The interior is build out of a mix between new material and material found on the barrack areal
I realised this project together with Anne Sophie Oberkrome, Christoph Hauf and Oliver-Selim Boualam
glas, stone, chain, bamboo
Dimensions vary
with Exoterika collective
Exoteric Souvenirs are a series of different drinking glasses witch insert “awakening interruption” into the habitual social situation of a reception.
When holding the Exoteric Souvenirs, negotiating taking a sip of wine becomes a focused, performative, unexpected behavior and spills over into heighted awareness for both the drinker and those watching. Small talk is punctuated with large gestures.
The glass steps out of its role as a self-evident prop and becomes the leading actor. The toast becomes a challenge, drinking a rite of passage and the glass a social catalyst.
The fork of a branch serving as the trestlework of LOUISE makes each lamp unique and elevates nature to the level of co-designer. The hot glass is blown directly into the fork and the liquid glass forms an amorphous, perfectly fitting lamp shade around the branches.
found wood branch, glass H 170, W 100, D 70, H 60, W 35, D 252 one-offs
Die ersten Panzer wurden im Ersten Weltkrieg ab September 1916 von den britischen Streitkräften eingesetzt. Sie waren einfach gepanzerte Fahrzeuge, die entweder mit MGs oder mit Kanonen bewaffnet waren. Das Rüstungsprojekt trug die bewusst irreführende Tarnbezeichnung Tank, mit dem der Bau von beweglichen Wasserbehältern vorgetäuscht werden sollte.
This sleek, robust backpack will be the best companion dedicated
to your mobile everyday life and leisure time. Due to its large main
compartment, the exceptional opening opportunities and the unique
integrated hard case, the backpack offers you a perfect overview that
keeps you organiziesed and flexible.
Als heutige, kreative Personen sind wir bestrebt unseren Alltag weitreichend mit schönen und guten Geschmack repräsentierenden Gegenständen auszustatten. Eine stilvolle Lebensführung setzt die aktive Beteiligung an informations- gebenden Medien voraus um das „Savoir-vivre“ täglich neu auszuloten und zu manifestieren. Essensessentials beschäftigt sich mit der Frage nach der Notwendigkeit und dem Anforderungspro l von Geschirr, Gläsern und Besteck, gleichermaßen mit ess- und trinkbarem Inhalt und weiter- führend mit dem Thema Gastlichkeit.
An umbrella made out of reflective sun protection film "spy film".
You can watch from the inside to the outside, but not from the outside to the inside.
99% UV protection.
zip is a selfexplaning, foldable table, which is based on a pattern. With a few handgrips a light, handy package (80cmx100cmx5cm) is transformable into a robust table. Through the use of the industrial zippers the table build itself up and reinforces the table legs. No screws or tools are needed to arrange this furniture.
Impressum & Datenschutz
Lisa Ertel
Hermann-Köhl-Str. 22
76187 Karlsruhe
Gestaltung & Programmierung: Lisa Ertel
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Corian and Marble
472mm × 350mm × 630 mm
In collaboration with Anne-Sophie Oberkrome
Dedicated to Agrippina the Younger, founder of the city cologne.